Hunger and Thirst

If you’ve ever been hungry, you know you’re not you. It is like the Snickers commercial. You easily become frustrated, upset, and angry when you are hungry. When your thirsty, what happens? You become less observant, less wary, less aware of your surroundings. You become more easily tired, and you just don’t feel right. All you can think about is getting something to drink. You become focused on the one thing. So, what does this have to do with our verse today?

What is it like to hunger and thirst for righteousness? I think the two phenomena might be similar. When I stray too far away from the Lord, I easily get angry. I lose my patience more quickly. I tend to focus on fleshly things and lose God’s perspective when things don’t go my way. I get short with others. I focus on myself. In fact it’s not too different from when I’m hungry. Weird.

If you have once tasted heavenly righteousness, you develop a hunger for it. It becomes part of your soul, and your behavior reflects it. If you stray too far from it, your lack of it is revealed by your actions. So if you are feeling short and frustrated today, flat or unfocused, check your spiritual diet. You’re not you without Jesus.

Heavenly Father, help me today to be more like you. Help me to draw nearer to you and pull away from the desires in this world. I don’t have to be like that, selfish and mean. Thank You for reminding me that I have better food and drink waiting for me at Your table. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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I've been in ministry in the Christian Churches/ Churches of Christ for 20+ years. Finished my doctorate in Biblical Studies in 2015. Serve today as a Hospital Chaplain.

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