Henry T. Anderson’s New Testament

I and my son, Daniel, are working on putting together an audio version of this New Testament, and I will include the files here as we get them put together. It’s a project that I’ve been thinking about for a while, but I finally have the time to start getting the recording done. Daniel has an excellent voice and has the equipment to do a great job at it. I am posting his first sample here to give you an idea of what it will sound like.

The Book of Philemon

Update: Daniel just turned in the letter of James this morning, so I thought I’d get it posted here.

The Letter of James

Update: Daniel completed the first fifteen chapters of Matthew: (4/12/2020)

The Gospel of Matthew


The book itself is in the public domain, and ought to be of special interest to my brothers in Kentucky as it contains this on its front page:








Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860,


In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the District of Kentucky.

An online scanned copy can be found here: https://archive.org/details/thenewtestament00andeuoft/page/n2/mode/2up

In case you are curious about the man behind the translation, the following is a text I copied years ago from a Restoration History site:


THIS distinguished scholar and preacher needs no lengthy introduction to American readers. His Translation of the New Testament has made his name quite familiar in this country, and he is not altogether unknown in many portions of Europe.

HENRY T. ANDERSON was born in Caroline County, Virginia, on the 27th of January, 1812. His parents, who were also natives of Virginia, were Baptists, though quite liberal in their views. Hence, Brother ANDERSON’S early religious training was nearly in harmony with the position he now occupies. The Bible was the text-book, and its teachings had a very powerful influence upon his youthful mind.

At the age of twenty-one he made the confession, and was immersed by his elder brother, who had left the Baptists and united with the Disciples. By giving diligent attention to the study of the Scriptures, he made such rapid progress in the Divine life that he began to preach in May, 1833, not more than ten months after his baptism.

His method of studying the Scriptures was such as left nothing unnoticed. The Bible was read and re-read again and again. Every sentence was studied, both in the original and English, with the most prayerful interest. Scripture was used to illustrate and explain Scripture, until every subject in the Word of God was examined in the light of Divine Truth. This method of investigation made his preaching didactic rather than hortatory, practical rather than ornamental. Hence, in the popular style, he is not an orator. Nevertheless, his discourses are always highly entertaining, because they are full of instruction, and delivered in an earnest, impressive style.

He remained in Virginia, preaching at various places in Caroline, Hanover, and some other counties, until the year 1837, when he removed to Kentucky, and for several years taught school and preached in the southern portion of the State. In November, 1847, he took charge of the Walnut-street Church in Louisville, and continued there six years. After this he was engaged for about eight years in teaching classical schools, and preaching the Gospel in various parts of the State. In December, 1861, he began to translate the New Testament, a work upon which his reputation chiefly rests. For many years he had made the New Testament original a constant study. He had been blessed in early life with a fine classical education; and such was his devotion to the Greek, that, when he began to make his translation, it was equally as familiar to him as the English. Of the translation itself we need not speak, except to say that it has been pronounced by competent judges the best in the English language. Whether this be true or not, it certainly has superior merits, and will doubtless take a high position among standard works of its kind. He is now engaged in giving an exact translation of the text of Tischendorf. His present home is in Harrodsburg, Ky., where he has preached for the Church for several years.

His prominent characteristics are originality of thought, simplicity of manner, and great faith in the providence of God. He is emphatically a thinker, and every thing that he says gives unmistakable evidence that he is not satisfied to simply appropriate the labor of others. He seeks the foundation of things, and though his views may not always be correct, they are always highly suggestive.

His whole nature is childlike. The most perfect simplicity marks every thing he does. His purposes are as transparent as light itself. No one could be freer from affectation. But that which distinguishes him above every thing else is his wonderful faith in God. We do not think we have ever known a man who gives himself more unreservedly into the hands of his Heavenly Father. In this world’s goods he has been poor all his life, but he has certainly been rich in faith. The circumstances under which he began his translation afford a fine illustration of this peculiarity. Having a large family to support, with a salary not exceeding six hundred dollars, and no other means that he could command, there was little prospect that he could do any thing beyond supplying the necessities of the hour. But he had faith in God, and entered upon the work with full confidence that the”Lord would provide.” In speaking of this subject, in 1863, he says: “The Lord raised me up friends. Some from a distance sent me a few dollars. Two worthy sisters paid one hundred and twenty dollars each last year. Those near me have, some of them, remembered my wants, and generously supplied me with food and clothing. Though the war swept away what little I had, God has never forsaken me. I have a Father in heaven, a Redeemer at his right hand. My prayers have been heard. Friends are near me, and I live, a monument of the truth that God will not forsake those who put their trust in him.”

NOTE: This biographical sketch is taken from The Living Pulpit of the Christian Church, edited by W.T. Moore and published in 1867 by R.W. Carroll & Co., Publishers, Cincinnati, Ohio. The text was scanned and marked up by Jim McMillan for inclusion in the Restoration Literature Meta-Index, March 1995.

A little about the work and effort behind this translation can be found here:
